Pahrnia has been cultivating her passion for 13 years.

“It has been a skill I am blessed to take with me everywhere around the world.

It has allowed me to touch the hearts of many individuals and give something back.”

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“Challenging societies standards of beauty one portrait at a time.

I draw every part of the face you hate; The wrinkles, the creases, the imperfections... and you look at it in awe and tell me how beautiful it is.”

— Pahrnia Parsons, 2021

The Artist’s Words

“Drawing is the one skill that has further developed with practice, yet, I believe the foundations have always been in my blood.

As a child, I was always fond of creating, and as time passed and I found myself bouncing between schools, homes and continents. To accommodate my nomad lifestyle I married travel with convenience and my natural preference for pencil to paper grew.

Most of all, it brought me peace and anchored me to the present like nothing else.”


It began…

With a comfortable ability to draw, I started portraits in 2009. I first used drawing as a way to pass time at university and productively procrastinate from my actual degree.

The reactions I got from the talent I had been sitting on encouraged me to draw more.

As my curiosity for how far I could push my skills grew, I started to accumulate the most interesting and unexpected jobs.

I’ve sold prints of celebrity portraits on the streets of Auckland, had my pieces printed on clothing items, been commissioned to paint murals and worked in collaboration with Australian funeral parlours.

My most recent accomplishment is having several celebrities displaying my pieces in their homes.

This craft has helped me challenge society’s standards of beauty. The raw but delicate detail of my work shines within the wrinkles, creases and imperfections of the face; the same grooves people so desperately try to erase. Without them, there is no life, no personality, no story.

With this realisation I moved away from pencil, to eliminate the option to erase or smudge, as this felt comparable to using a filter on social media.

It’s you, but it’s not the raw you.

Introducing The Biro

My talents seem to flourish at the hold of a biro - conveniently, over the past decade, I have rarely resided under a roof that didn’t already have a biro lying around somewhere.

For 13 years I have been cultivating this passion. It has been a skill I am blessed to take with me everywhere around the world. It has allowed me to touch the hearts of many individuals and give something back.

What meditation and yoga are for many people is what drawing is for me. My mind shuts off from everything else and I am truly present for that time. The result is a beautiful image that brings someone unbelievable joy.

Watch the Artist in progress…